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Surprise your opponents with some new tricks in the Pokémon TCG: Eternal Beginning expansion pack! Hoopa-EX fills the world of the Pokémon TCG with mystical powers, teaming up with new challengers such as Mega Despotar-EX, Mega Ampharos-EX, and Mega Gewaldro-EX! The XY Eternal Beginning Expansion Pack translates ancient mysteries into modern combat techniques, with new special power cards, new eternal gifts, and shiny versions of your-Kyogre-EX, your-Groudon-EX, and Mega-Rayquaza-EX! The original force is released! The XY - Eternal Beginning expansion includes: More than 90 cards! 11 new Pokémon EX, including 3 Mega Evolution Pokémon and 1 new Mythical Pokémon! New shiny versions of Primal Kyogre-EX, Primal Groudon-EX and Mega Rayquaza-EX! The XY – Eternal Beginning expansion pack will be available from the 12th century. Available in August 2015 in the store.