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Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Banlist Effective May 2023

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Konami releases the next Yugioh Master Duel Banlist! Valid from 01.05.2023!

Konami has finally released the next banlist! This brings with it a total of 8 changes, and of course Tearlaments is in focus! Will this change much, or will the meta remain as it is? Let's take a look at it together!

1. Prohibited Cards

Ultra Rare


(1 ⇒ 0)

In general, this card always tends to become a problem card. However, this map has become an extremely big problem since the release of Tearlaments in Master Duel! Because only by activating this card, you can summon "Tearlaments Kitkallos" from the Extra Deck! Just like that! And as soon as Kitkallo's effect has come through, it usually looks very bad for the opponent. So the ban here is more than justified. However, this hit alone won't be enough to stop Tearlaments!

And unfortunately this is also the only card of this banlist that has actually been banned! But let's take a look at the limited cards!

God of Cards: Blockdrache Kartenbild

2. Limited edition cards

Super Rare

King of the Swamp

(3 ⇒ 1)

And once again it's time for Tearlaments! King of the Swamp was also hoisted hard! A very popular map in Tearlaments. This card can be used as a substitute for a fusion material, you can discard it to find a polymerization from the deck, and in addition it is of the Aqua type, which is very helpful for certain Tearlaments fusion monsters. So that sounds like a very good hit against Tearlaments! Unfortunately, this is not the case. As good as King of the Swamp fits into the deck, it's absolutely not a mandatory card! There are plenty of Tearlaments players who don't even play this card. So again just a "fake hit" on the part of Konami.

God of Cards: Aluber der Narr von Despia Kartenbild

Super Rare

Foolish funeral offerings

(3 ⇒ 1)

The effect of this card doesn't sound threatening at all, as it only puts a spell/trap from the deck to the graveyard. The goal of the map, however, is to place "Rainbow Bridge of Salvation" from the deck to the graveyard. When this happens, the effect of the trap placed in the graveyard allows you to take a field spell card and a crystal monster from the deck into your hand. Of course, this is about the Tearlaments' field magic card, which has already been limited to 1. Through Foolish Funeral Offerings, the Tearlaments players have been relatively consistent with their Playing Field Spell Play. So this hit will actually hurt the Tearlaments players a bit!

God of Cards: Raubpflanze Ragwurzskorpion Kartenbild

3. Semi Limited Cards

Ultra Rare


(1 ⇒ 2)

There probably won't be a Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan who doesn't know this card! Renegade! A card that was banned not so long ago. Defector is an extremely strong one, but in modern Yu-Gi-Oh! fair card. It's a very nice move on the part of Konami to allow this card 2 times! Maybe we'll also see the day when this card finally comes down completely from the banlist!

God of Cards: Oberster König Drachenfinstergewürm Kartenbild

4. Unlimited

Ultra Rare

Himmelsjäger-Ass - Kagari

(2 ⇒ 3)

Not so long ago, this card was limited to 1! Kagari on 3 is really an extremely powerful boost for all Sky Striker players! Now the banlist looks even better than the TCG banlist for all Sky Striker players! With Kagari on 3 and Engage on 2, the deck is definitely a threat again! We can't wait to see what Sky Striker will achieve in the future!

God of Cards: Himmelsjäger-Ass - Kagari Kartenbild

Super Rare

Thunder Dragon Falcon

(2 ⇒ 3)

Thunder Dragon Falcon has finally made it out of the banlist! The Thunder Dragons are really very popular maps, which are very popular as an engine. She looks in the modern Yu-Gi-Oh! really absolutely fair, and don't pose much of a threat. However, the Colossus of Thunder Dragons is still allowed! The Thunder Dragon Colossus is really an extremely strong and unfair card that has been making players despair since Day 1. It wouldn't be a surprise if it were banned in the future!

God of Cards: Karte des Untergangs Kartenbild

Super Rare

Feuerformation - Tenki

(2 ⇒ 3)

This move was also quite foreseeable. There is currently no deck in the meta that uses this card. Fire Formation - Tenki is more of a map that we know very well from Sta Brigade. So it's very nice that such cards escape from the banlist again in order to strengthen these now rather weaker decks!

God of Cards: Topf der Gegensätzlichkeit Kartenbild


Supreme King Dragon Darkworm

(2 ⇒ 3)

Another card that was limited to 1 not so long ago! In the meantime, this monster has become so irrelevant (in the meta) that Konami has also released it completely! At the moment, we don't see pretty much any pendulum decks out there anyway, so maybe that's changing at least a little bit now!

God of Cards: Göttlicher Wind aus dem Nebeltal Kartenbild

➡️ Result

We at God of Cards consider this banlist to be a success all in all. Konami has limited some problem cards relatively sensibly, and given other cards/decks with limitation removals a great chance! In addition, a problem card has been completely removed! We're very excited to see what the Master Duel community 012757 will make of it in the near future, and we're very excited to tell you about it!

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