God of Cards: Pokemon

Radiant Stars Pokemon Set-Sword & Shield Set No. 09

On 25. In February 2022, the expansion Shining Stars from the Sword & Shield era was released. It's the 09. Set from this era and is mainly based on cards from the Japanese sets Star Birth a...

BlogGod of Cards: Pokemon

Top 10 Most Expensive Pokemon Cards from the Sun & Moon Era

In this top 10 list we present you the top 10 most expensive Pokemon cards from the Sun and Moon era. Really incredible. So that was her, ours [012750] Top 10 most expensive Pokemon cards fro...

BlogGod of Cards: Pokemon

Pokemon Card Grading | An overview of a controversial topic

Pokemon is now one of the biggest franchises in the world and so many Pokemon collectors know that there is a certain value behind certain Pokemon cards. This can be increased with the help of gra...