
Shiny Treasure EX SV4A

5 Produkte
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5 products

God of Cards: Pokemon Shiny Treasure EX Display Koreanisch Produktbild
20 DisplaysSold out
God of Cards: Pokemon Shiny Treasure EX Case Japanisch Produktbild
Sale price813,40€ Regular price915,07€
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God of Cards: Pokemon Shiny Treasure EX Booster Japanisch Produktbild
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God of Cards: Pokemon Shiny Treasure EX Booster Koreanisch Produktbild
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God of Cards: Pokemon Shiny Treasure EX Display Japanisch Produktbild

Inhalt des Shiny Treasure EX SV4A-Sets

The outstanding feature of this set is undoubtedly the impressive variety of Pokémon included. In addition to a wide selection of cards representing different types, attacks and capabilities, Shiny Treasure EX will offer a considerable number of secret rarity cards. An example of this is Shiny Charizard EX with the card number #331/190. It is therefore safe to assume that there will be over 150 secret rarity cards in the set. This feature reflects the tradition of Japanese annual reprint sets, as is the case with Shiny Treasure EX.

Release von Shiny Treasure EX

To make sure you don't miss any of these special collectibles, keep an eye on the release date of the ShinyTreasure EX SV4A Pokémon Set. This set will officially launch on 01.12.2023. In addition to the reeditions, Shiny Treasure EX is also expected to introduce 15-30 brand new cards to underscore the variety and freshness of the set. Look for pre-ordering opportunities and publishing events to make sure you have the chance to add these exciting Pokémon additions to your collection.

Pokemon-Set Shiny Treasure EX SV4A Fazit

The "Pokemon set Shiny Treasure EX SV4A" promises an exciting adventure in the world of Pokemon trading cards, offering an incredible selection of creatures that will delight both collectors and players. Don't forget to keep an eye on the release date to get access to this exciting content in time. Dive into the Pokemon world and experience the thrill of discovering new maps and strategies.