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A new Dragon Pokémon makes its debut in the Pokémon TCG: Highness of the Dragons expansion pack! It's been over a decade since the introduction of a new Pokémon type—the new Dragon type introduces a strong lineup of more than 15 Dragon-type Pokémon, including Rayquaza EX, Giratina EX, Knakrack, and Trikephalo. By combining new Pokémon EX with a powerful Dragon-type Pokémon squad, Trainers will embrace the Dragon's battle roar and emerge victorious! Pokémon Dragon-type Pokémon reflect the unique powers of Dragon-type Pokémon, and their rich repertoire includes moves that use multiple energy types. In the Pokémon TCG, Highness of the Dragons expansion, with over 120 cards, there are two versions each of six different Pokémon EX and many Pokémon such as B. Mew, Vulnona, and Kramshef. Four new Trainer Cards and two special Power Cards complete this incredibly powerful expansion!