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In the Sun & Moon - Celestial Storm expansion pack of the Pokémon trading card game, emerald green storms are raging across the sky, ominously announcing a collision between Pokémon and creatures from the Ultra dimension. Some are willing to get carried away by the storm, while others braved it. Articuno-GX, Blaziken-GX, Scizor-GX, Stakataka-GX and the amazing Rayquaza-GX, as well as new Prisma star maps featuring Latios, Latias and Jirachi. Let the wind of change blow around your nose with the Sun & Moon - Celestial Storm expansion pack of the Pokémon Trading Card Game! More than 160 cards! 3 prism star cards! 11 Pokémon GX and 3 ultra beasts! 27 coach cards plus rainbow powers! The full Sun & Moon - Celestial Storm expansion will also be available for Pokémon TCG Online.