God of Cards: Kartenzustände von Pokemon Karten Blogbanner

The different card states of Pokemon cards explained

You've probably heard of terms like Near Mint or Excellent on Ebay and Co. and I'm sure you've wondered what they mean exactly. We'll explain to you what card states Pokemon cards can have.

AnfängerGod of Cards: Pokemonkarten Seltenheitsstufen Blogbanner

How rare are your Pokemon cards? Our guide will explain it to you

In this guide, we'll explain the different rarity levels of Pokemon cards. From common cards to rare secret rare cards.

AnfängerGod of Cards: Pokemon TCG Einsteigerguide Blogbanner

How do you play Pokemon cards? A beginner's guide to the Pokemon TCG

How do you play Pokemon cards? This is exactly the question we clarify and go into the rules of the game and the perfect Pokemon cards for beginners!

PokemonGod of Cards: Zenit der Könige Pokemon Bannerbild

Zenith of Kings Pokemon Set - Release date 20.01.2023

Here's information about the official last set of the Pokemon Sword & Shield era and a clear preview of the upcoming cards and products in the set.


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Beginner FreundlichGod of Cards: Gake Pokemon Karten Erkennen Blogbanner

How do you recognize fake Pokemon cards?

How to recognize fake Pokemon cards is a popular question, especially among Pokemon TCG newcomers. In this article, we will use an example to clarify exactly this question!

JapanischGod of Cards: VSTAR Universe Blogheader

VSTAR Universe: The best Pokemon set of all time

In this blog article, we report on the officially last Japanese set of the breathtaking Sword & Shield era.