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Asian Pokemon Cards | Differences & Similarities
Pokemon cards come from Asia, more specifically they have their official home in Japan. In addition to the great popularity in America & Europe, Pokemon cards have also achieved great populari...

Part 1 of the series: "Special Pokemon cards and where to find them"
In this series, we would like to introduce you to special Pokemon cards, either because they have left a particularly lasting impression in the collector's world or simply because they have e.g. w...

Top 10 most expensive Pokemon cards from the Sword & Shield era
In this top 10 list we present you the 10 most expensive Pokemon cards from the Sword & Shield era. There were definitely some valuable Pokemon cards in the era, but what do you think, which c...

Pokemon Sword & Shield Ends | A look back at a grandiose era
We are currently expecting the last official Pokemon set of the Zenith of Kings Sword & Shield era, heralding the end of a wonderful era. In this article we want to give you a brief review of ...

What can you expect in the new Scarlet & Violet Pokemon era? An overview!
SWSH's last set is just around the corner, but right after that, the new era begins: Crimson & Crimson. What changes will follow, we answer here!

Part 1 of the series: "The rarest Pokemon products there are"
In this series we would like to introduce you to the rarest Pokemon products available. We will start with the latest products and gradually devote ourselves to older, rare products. Expect excep...