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Diamond & Pearl is full of new Pokémon, new illustrations, and brand new gameplay techniques. With so many great changes, it's easy to miss the introduction of the ultimate version of Pokémon Training: Pokémon LV.X! New holocards! With the introduction of Pokémon EX cards in EX Ruby & Sapphire, the gameplay has already changed—with Pokémon LV.X, the next change is approaching! These Pokémon are placed on the respective precursor. Thus, Empoleon (4/130) becomes Empoleon LV.X (120/130). Empoleon LV.X masters all of Empoleon's attacks, plus its own Poké Power and another attack, giving it even more ways and tactics to win! New Pokémon! Each expansion of the Pokémon TCG includes new moves. This time, we've gone one step further and brought you new moves from new Pokémon! Infernape (5/130) is a fast, powerful Fire-type Pokémon that can use quick attacks for just one or two energies and no retreat costs! Or do you like successful people like Staraptor (16/130)? His Braveheart attack deals 100 more damage (although he can also deal damage to himself). Get ready with Speed Dive, which can defend itself for a turn while attacking the opposing Pokémon. New look! The maps are also more modern, with more space for illustrations, additional Pokédex data, and descriptions of the Pokémon from the video game. Weakness and Resistance now have exact stats alongside effect on Pokémon. Now you can see not only how weak this Pokémon is compared to other Pokémon, but also how weak it is! New ideas! Some ground rules have been updated so that there are new strategy possibilities! For example, the starting player can now draw a card on the first turn, but may no longer play coach, stadium or supporter cards on this turn. There are now also basic versions of Eclipse Energy and Metal Energy, making Eclipse decks easier to play. At the same time, some old acquaintances are part of the party: You can add up to 4 copies of the Icognito Pokémon with even more power reserves than before to your deck. Enjoy the latest evolution in the Pokémon TCG!