Celebrate the 25th anniversary alongside the 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes with double Prismatic Secret Rares and a bonus Quarter Century Secret Rare in every Tin! Prismatic Secret Rares are one of the things that Duelists will love the most about this year's Mega Packs, as Tins are the ONLY place to find this exclusive and beautiful rarity. And this year there will be twice as many of them in every tin! Each 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes includes 3 Mega Packs of 18 cards, each with TWO Prismatic Secret Rares, two Ultra Rares, one Super Rare, one Rare, and twelve Commons.
The huge Mega Pack set includes nearly 300 cards from the last sets, including Battle of Chaos, Dimension Force, Darkwing Blast, Tactical Masters, The Grand Creators, and more! In addition, each tin contains a Quarter Century Secret Rare version of one of the sixteen monsters that grace the sides of the tin – some of the most famous and iconic monsters used by the series' Dueling Heroes!
Your God of Cards team
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Celebrate the 25th anniversary alongside the 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes with double Prismatic Secret Rares and a bonus Quarter Century Secret Rare in every Tin! Prismatic Secret Rares are one of the things that Duelists will love the most about this year's Mega Packs, as Tins are the ONLY place to find this exclusive and beautiful rarity. And this year there will be twice as many of them in every tin! Each 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes includes 3 Mega Packs of 18 cards, each with TWO Prismatic Secret Rares, two Ultra Rares, one Super Rare, one Rare, and twelve Commons.
The huge Mega Pack set includes nearly 300 cards from the last sets, including Battle of Chaos, Dimension Force, Darkwing Blast, Tactical Masters, The Grand Creators, and more! In addition, each tin contains a Quarter Century Secret Rare version of one of the sixteen monsters that grace the sides of the tin – some of the most famous and iconic monsters used by the series' Dueling Heroes!
Your God of Cards team
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4,9/5 Sternen auf Trustpilot
Auf Trustpilot sind wir mit über 850 fünf Sterne-Bewertungen Platz 2 in ganz Deutschland und somit laut Trustpilot einer der beliebtesten und vertrauenswürdigsten Sammelkartenshops.
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4,85/5 Sternen auf TrustedShops
Auf TrustedShops durften wir über 250 weitere positive fünf Sterne-Bewertungen sammeln.
Unser Profil findest du hier: God of Cards auf TrustedShops
Als von Trusted Shops zertifizierter Onlineshop sind alle Bestellungen bis zu einem Warenwert von 100€ - 100% durch einen Käuferschutz abgesichert.
Falls also etwas mit deiner Bestellung schieflaufen solltest, bist du trotzdem auf der sicheren Seite: denn du meldest einfach bei Trusted Shops und bekommst dein Geld zurückerstattet.
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