Language: German
With the Structure Deck: The Crimson King you can steer the Phoenix Whirlwind!
Heavy rests the head, which presses a crown. Unless, of course, you're Jack Atlas, the Master of Faster! With the Structure Deck: The Crimson King you can steer the Phoenix Whirlwind and use the numerous facets of the red dragon ore underworld!
Synchro first summon one of the Stufe-8-Rotdrachen-Erzunterweltler-Monster, then continue with special evocations of more “resonator” monsters until you have the right combination. So you can unleash even higher-level synchro monsters like the imperious Red Nova Dragon!
This Structure Deck contains a massive Extra Deck that allows you to maximize your strategic flexibility. Also included is a brand new level 8 synchro monster that counts as a red dragon ore underworlder in the field or in the cemetery. It can inspire your own strategy to such an extent that your opponent is dueled back to the Stone Age! Use this new monster to summon one of the higher-level red dragon world synchro monsters. You can then summon the original Red Dragon Ore Underworld from your Extra Deck and eliminate all of your opponent's Attack Position monsters without having to fight!
Dein God of Cards - Team
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Language: German
With the Structure Deck: The Crimson King you can steer the Phoenix Whirlwind!
Heavy rests the head, which presses a crown. Unless, of course, you're Jack Atlas, the Master of Faster! With the Structure Deck: The Crimson King you can steer the Phoenix Whirlwind and use the numerous facets of the red dragon ore underworld!
Synchro first summon one of the Stufe-8-Rotdrachen-Erzunterweltler-Monster, then continue with special evocations of more “resonator” monsters until you have the right combination. So you can unleash even higher-level synchro monsters like the imperious Red Nova Dragon!
This Structure Deck contains a massive Extra Deck that allows you to maximize your strategic flexibility. Also included is a brand new level 8 synchro monster that counts as a red dragon ore underworlder in the field or in the cemetery. It can inspire your own strategy to such an extent that your opponent is dueled back to the Stone Age! Use this new monster to summon one of the higher-level red dragon world synchro monsters. You can then summon the original Red Dragon Ore Underworld from your Extra Deck and eliminate all of your opponent's Attack Position monsters without having to fight!
Dein God of Cards - Team
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4,9/5 Sternen auf Trustpilot
Auf Trustpilot sind wir mit über 850 fünf Sterne-Bewertungen Platz 2 in ganz Deutschland und somit laut Trustpilot einer der beliebtesten und vertrauenswürdigsten Sammelkartenshops.
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4,85/5 Sternen auf TrustedShops
Auf TrustedShops durften wir über 250 weitere positive fünf Sterne-Bewertungen sammeln.
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Als von Trusted Shops zertifizierter Onlineshop sind alle Bestellungen bis zu einem Warenwert von 100€ - 100% durch einen Käuferschutz abgesichert.
Falls also etwas mit deiner Bestellung schieflaufen solltest, bist du trotzdem auf der sicheren Seite: denn du meldest einfach bei Trusted Shops und bekommst dein Geld zurückerstattet.
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