Language: English
The complete Age of Overlord set contains 100 cards:
This fall, a new era dawns with "Age of Overlord," the latest core booster for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG). Here you can uncover the ancient secrets of brand new themes, unleash the untapped potential of past themes with new cards, or even get your hands on a highly coveted Quarter Century Secret Rare! "Age of Overlord" has something for everyone! Here are just a few things to look forward to:
Supreme King Z-ARC debuted in Maximum Crisis and is now back with a new form in "Age of Overlord". As a dragon/fusion/pendulum monster, Supreme King Z-ARC allows you to reach an unprecedented level! There are also new "Supreme King" pendulum monsters, one of which can transfer any card that mentions "Supreme King Z-ARC" from your deck to your hand. Keep an eye out for a variety of new spell and trap cards to add to your hand!
Visa's Starfrost has been causing quite a stir throughout the universe since Dimension Force, and now it's time for the second phase of this planet-hopping adventure! "Age of Overlord" includes many new cards that work in tandem with Visa's Starfrost, such as a new Tier 4 Synchromonster, a Pendulum Monster that ushers in the end of turn, and a Tier 6 "Mannadium" Synchromonster that you can use with your "Mannadium" cards from Cyberstorm Access and Duelist Nexus.
Return to the ancient past with a new yet familiar theme inspired by Horus! These new monsters are effectively immortal and can be summoned from the graveyard as a special summon during each of your turns, as long as the appropriate conditions are met. Your opponent won't want to attack them with card effects, as they will simply return to the field and make the situation even worse!
Like Duelist Nexus, "Age of Overlord" will also feature 25 Quarter Century Secret Rares to commemorate 25 years of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG!
Your God of Cards team
Durch den Erwerb von Boosterpacks in unserem Shop erklärst du dich automatisch damit einverstanden, dass für alle einzelnen Boosterpack-Produkte, die du bei uns kaufst, ein Ausschluss vom gesetzlichen Widerrufsrecht gemäß den geltenden Verbraucherschutzgesetzen besteht.
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Language: English
The complete Age of Overlord set contains 100 cards:
This fall, a new era dawns with "Age of Overlord," the latest core booster for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (TCG). Here you can uncover the ancient secrets of brand new themes, unleash the untapped potential of past themes with new cards, or even get your hands on a highly coveted Quarter Century Secret Rare! "Age of Overlord" has something for everyone! Here are just a few things to look forward to:
Supreme King Z-ARC debuted in Maximum Crisis and is now back with a new form in "Age of Overlord". As a dragon/fusion/pendulum monster, Supreme King Z-ARC allows you to reach an unprecedented level! There are also new "Supreme King" pendulum monsters, one of which can transfer any card that mentions "Supreme King Z-ARC" from your deck to your hand. Keep an eye out for a variety of new spell and trap cards to add to your hand!
Visa's Starfrost has been causing quite a stir throughout the universe since Dimension Force, and now it's time for the second phase of this planet-hopping adventure! "Age of Overlord" includes many new cards that work in tandem with Visa's Starfrost, such as a new Tier 4 Synchromonster, a Pendulum Monster that ushers in the end of turn, and a Tier 6 "Mannadium" Synchromonster that you can use with your "Mannadium" cards from Cyberstorm Access and Duelist Nexus.
Return to the ancient past with a new yet familiar theme inspired by Horus! These new monsters are effectively immortal and can be summoned from the graveyard as a special summon during each of your turns, as long as the appropriate conditions are met. Your opponent won't want to attack them with card effects, as they will simply return to the field and make the situation even worse!
Like Duelist Nexus, "Age of Overlord" will also feature 25 Quarter Century Secret Rares to commemorate 25 years of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG!
Your God of Cards team
Durch den Erwerb von Boosterpacks in unserem Shop erklärst du dich automatisch damit einverstanden, dass für alle einzelnen Boosterpack-Produkte, die du bei uns kaufst, ein Ausschluss vom gesetzlichen Widerrufsrecht gemäß den geltenden Verbraucherschutzgesetzen besteht.
Diese Maßnahme dient zum Schutz all unserer Kunden vor möglichen Manipulationen der Produkte.
Ein Widerruf ist daher nur möglich, wenn sich die Booster noch in dem original verschlossenen Gesamtpaket befinden.
Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass mit dem Kauf von Boosterpacks automatisch die Annahme dieser Bedingung und anderer, in unseren AGB festgelegter Bedingungen verbunden ist.
Bitte lies unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und Widerrufsbelehrung diesbezüglich sorgfältig durch, um dich über alle relevanten Bedingungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Einkauf von einzelnen Booster-Artikeln in unserem Shop zu informieren.
Alle Bestellungen werden aus Deutschland verschickt.
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In Kürze auch wieder mit Amazon Pay!
4,9/5 Sternen auf Trustpilot
Auf Trustpilot sind wir mit über 850 fünf Sterne-Bewertungen Platz 2 in ganz Deutschland und somit laut Trustpilot einer der beliebtesten und vertrauenswürdigsten Sammelkartenshops.
Unser Profil findest du hier: God of Cards auf Trustpilot
4,85/5 Sternen auf TrustedShops
Auf TrustedShops durften wir über 250 weitere positive fünf Sterne-Bewertungen sammeln.
Unser Profil findest du hier: God of Cards auf TrustedShops
Als von Trusted Shops zertifizierter Onlineshop sind alle Bestellungen bis zu einem Warenwert von 100€ - 100% durch einen Käuferschutz abgesichert.
Falls also etwas mit deiner Bestellung schieflaufen solltest, bist du trotzdem auf der sicheren Seite: denn du meldest einfach bei Trusted Shops und bekommst dein Geld zurückerstattet.
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