Language: English
One of the strongest decks returns with the Structure Deck Mechanized Madness!
The mechanical engineering was already published once in the Structure Deck Machina Mayhem in 2010. A decade later, mechanical engineering is making a successful comeback and is returning much stronger!
The brand new card Machina Citadel has an impressive 3000ATK and also a strong quick effect. A machine being that is controlled next to Citadel can be used as a projectile and destroy the opponent's monsters. If the opponent should manage to overcome Citadel, the cemetery can summon it again if an Earth Machine Monster is destroyed.
Another special monster is Machina Air Raider to be. During the opposing move, the card can summon and destroy a machine monster of a limb or lower level from the deck. This provides a good combination along with Citadel. The quick effect allows a machine monster to be destroyed and Citadel to be able to conjure up special from the cemetery.
You can look forward to many more strong and innovative combos. Through the Structure Deck Mechanized Madness will show the real strength of machine beings!
Dein God of Cards - Team
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Language: English
One of the strongest decks returns with the Structure Deck Mechanized Madness!
The mechanical engineering was already published once in the Structure Deck Machina Mayhem in 2010. A decade later, mechanical engineering is making a successful comeback and is returning much stronger!
The brand new card Machina Citadel has an impressive 3000ATK and also a strong quick effect. A machine being that is controlled next to Citadel can be used as a projectile and destroy the opponent's monsters. If the opponent should manage to overcome Citadel, the cemetery can summon it again if an Earth Machine Monster is destroyed.
Another special monster is Machina Air Raider to be. During the opposing move, the card can summon and destroy a machine monster of a limb or lower level from the deck. This provides a good combination along with Citadel. The quick effect allows a machine monster to be destroyed and Citadel to be able to conjure up special from the cemetery.
You can look forward to many more strong and innovative combos. Through the Structure Deck Mechanized Madness will show the real strength of machine beings!
Dein God of Cards - Team
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4,9/5 Sternen auf Trustpilot
Auf Trustpilot sind wir mit über 850 fünf Sterne-Bewertungen Platz 2 in ganz Deutschland und somit laut Trustpilot einer der beliebtesten und vertrauenswürdigsten Sammelkartenshops.
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4,85/5 Sternen auf TrustedShops
Auf TrustedShops durften wir über 250 weitere positive fünf Sterne-Bewertungen sammeln.
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Als von Trusted Shops zertifizierter Onlineshop sind alle Bestellungen bis zu einem Warenwert von 100€ - 100% durch einen Käuferschutz abgesichert.
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