Battles of Legend: Armageddon
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- 1-2 Werktage Lieferzeit
- Versand: Montag bis Samstag
- Versandschluss: Mo - Fr 16 Uhr, Sa 12 Uhr
- Versicherter DHL Versand 4,90€
- Bei Bestelleingang vor Versandschluss wird das Paket in 90% der Fällen am nächsten Tag zugestellt
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Language : German
- 24 Booster
- each booster contains 5 cards
The new Battles of Legend: Armageddon is a real highlight this summer and a must for all Yugioh fans! Many new maps of different archetypes will be released.
Let the chaos begin!
In Armageddon, the Chaos cards are continued, which harmonize perfectly with the cards from the Toon Chaos edition. A special reprint is "Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon". So far, this card has only been granted to those who have dueled to the top in the Yu-Gi-Oh Championship Series. Together with the maps from Toon Chaos, you can now rule over Chaos!
The fossils are loose!
In the anime Yugioh GX, Jim Crocodile Cook presented an impressive Fossil deck. The Fossil deck combined his two passions - duels and archaeology. In the Armageddon set, you will receive a lot of Fusion Fossil cards. A level 8 fusion monster will be released, which can attack twice and steal a monster from the enemy graveyard. As soon as the monster is placed in the graveyard, you can pick up the Fossil Fusion spell card from the graveyard again.
The dragons rule!
In the Battles of Legend: Armageddon set, many legendary dragons will be released. Dadurch erhaltet ihr die Chance Karten wie "Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment", " Judgement, the Dragon of Heaven", "Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation" und "Darkness Metal, the Dragon of Dark Steel" zu erhalten. These unique dragons impress with their playing strength and uniqueness!
Armageddon is an all-foil booster set that revisits popular archetypes such as Magidolche, Blackwings and many more.
Scope of the set:
The entire set consists of 59 Ultra Rares and 33 Secret Rares.
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🚚 Versand
Alle Bestellungen werden aus Deutschland verschickt.
- Versandkosten nach Deutschland:
- 0€-150€ Bestellwert nur 4,90€
- ab 150€ Bestellwert kostenloser Versand - Versandschluss für Versand am selben Tag
Montag bis Freitag: 16:00 Uhr
Samstag: 12:00 Uhr - Bei Bestelleingang vor Versandschluss wird das Paket in 90% der Fällen am nächsten Tag zugestellt
- Die Zustellung erfolgt in der Regel in 1-2 Werktagen.
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Battles of Legend: Armageddon
24 display